Explore the Best Water Fountains in America


An enticing factor about water fountains is that their charismatic structures and art forms beguile you. You can’t stop marveling at the ambiance it creates and some compel you to ponder about the fables behind its creation. While the USA is popular for its amazing collection of tourist attractions and natural sights, it also has a beautiful assortment of water fountains. Though not as magnificent as fountains in Italy, the USA has an understated yet attractive group of water fountains with historic significance scattered all through the destination.

Let’s look at some interesting water fountains in the USA that you can visit on your USA holiday.

Bellagio Fountains – Las Vegas

Bellagio Fountain

Perhaps the most iconic and well-known water fountain in the USA is the Bellagio Fountains in Las Vegas. Las Vegas is one of the most popular places to visit in the USA, Bellagio Fountains is one spectacle not to be missed on your US trip. First of its kind in the world, Bellagio Fountains pioneereered the art of synchronizing water jets, laser lighting, and music into a spectacular show. The water fountain set on a manmade lake right in front of the Bellagio Hotel is one of the most mesmerizing sights to watch on Las Vegas strip.

The grand fountain show became the source of inspiration for the extravagant Dubai Fountain. About 4500 lights and 1200 water nozzles create an awe-inspiring performance tuned perfectly with different genres of music. This remarkable water fountain show takes place daily in the evening, open to spectators to watch without spending a dime. Apply for US visit visa immediately to enjoy this stunning spectacle!

National World War II Memorial – Washington DC

A visit to the mesmerizing World War II Memorial Fountain on the National Mall is among the popular things to do in Washington. It is a symbol of homage for the Americans who laid down their lives in World War II. The National World War Memorial in Washington D.C is one of the famous tourist places in the USA. Set amid the Lincoln Memorial and Washington Monument, the fountain consists of 56 engraved granite pillars and small triumphal arches encircling a plaza.

This arena consists of the central water fountain and tiny arches of water spouting around it. The panoramic view of this water fountain looks amazing where you can find yourself gazing long into the Washington Monument or the Lincoln Memorial through the fountains from different viewpoints. This national monument is open to everyone 365 days of the year.

Scott Memorial Fountain – Detroit

This fountain was built as a commemoration of James Scott. He bequeathed his fortune to the city to build this giant water fountain that includes a statue of him. Located in Belle Isle Park in Detroit, this water fountain covers 510 feet of land and has fountain nozzles that shoot water up to 125 feet. In all, there are more than 100 water spouts that emerge out of human, animal and sea creature figurines. It is one of the most significant and popular site to visit in Detroit.

Franklin Delano Roosevelt Memorial – Washington DC

Another gorgeous water presentation in Washington DC is the Franklin Delano Roosevelt Memorial. Spread over 7.5 acres of land, this memorial pays tribute to the 32nd President of the United States. The National Mall Tidal Basin is a stunning spot to see cherry blossoms. It houses a memorial with four galleries representing Roosevelt’s four presidential terms, along with several water features. While not a traditional fountain, its cascades and pools create breathtaking views.

Pulitzer Fountain – New York

Located in Manhattan’s Grand Army Plaza, the Pulitzer Fountain is another fountain that was bequeathed by its creator as a tribute to himself. Built to honour Joseph Pulitzer – an editor and publisher in New York, this fountain is a colossal 22 feet high 5-tiered ornate fountain adorned with sculptures and a large granite basin. The statue of the goddess of abundance – Pomona graces the top of the fountain. The fountain was made to look like those in Place de la Concorde in Paris, France. The fountain has borne the wear and tear of time and undergone several restorations and is still functional presently.

Buckingham Fountain – Chicago

Buckingham Fountain

An iconic landmark in Chicago, the Buckingham Fountain located in Grant Park is among the world’s largest water fountains. Officially known as the Clarence F. Buckingham Memorial Fountain, designed like a tiered wedding cake, shoots water up to 150 feet in the air. Inspired by the Bassin de Latone and modeled after the Latona Fountain at Versailles, it symbolizes Lake Michigan.

It consists of three tired basins with 134 powerful water jets. Four seahorses decorate the basins, representing Illinois, Indiana, Michigan, and Wisconsin, the states bordering Lake Michigan. Visiting Buckingham Fountain in Grant Park is one of the fun things to do in Chicago, particularly in the evening when the light and music displays create a breathtaking display. The fountain operates in the months of May to October from 8 pm till 11 pm. The fountain showcases an impressive water and light show of 20 minutes every hour in the evening during its operational months.


While these fountains are a few top picks, many more stunning fountains across the USA await exploration. What is more exciting about these water features is that each has a historic or subjective significance for you to discover. These awe-inspiring water fountains captivate visitors with their unique designs. These are no doubt some of the enchanting places to see in the US. In case you are wondering where to go in the USA for more charming experiences, check out these selections of spa resorts in the USA.

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